STREAMdiff is a high speed AFP, Metacode, Postscript and PDF print data stream comparison application. In a fraction of the time that a manual approach would take, STREAMdiff performs the tedious and labor-intensive task of comparing two print data streams.

It provides transformations from: IBM AFP and Line Data, Xerox Metacode, LCDS or DJDE, PostScript™, PDF™ and PCL to other presentation formats such as: HTML, XML, PDF™, PostScript™, PCL, TIFF, Line Data and other formats.

STREAMdiff makes it possible to compare data streams of the same nature, but also of different natures, e.g. PDF with AFP, XEROX metacode with AFP, and many more.

This solution has eliminated laborious, error-prone and time-consuming manual comparison, as well as massive printing of test and control documents.

  • Allows easy migration or upgrade to new composition tools.
  • Display the differences between the control and test file.
  • Display visual clues that determine the type of difference.
  • Supported Data Streams : IBM AFP, Xerox LPS Metacode, Line Data conditioned by DJDE’s.
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