IMDS and Parascript partners for a better capture of your information.

January 19, 2017
The IMDS Group
Group is proud to announce today the signing of theof a partnership contract.nariat with
a developer ofdeveloper, Parascript.
of recognition technology for all types of caracters-cursive, handwritten and machine

IMDS plans to integrate Parascript’s software solutions to complement and enhance its data capture offerings to provide
added value
to its customers.

IMDS will first take advantage of Parascript’s expertise with its
“advanced checks” module,
thus improving its offer for
processing of handwritten and typed checks
and typewritten checks with the highest accuracy in automatic recognition of standard fields.

IMDS will use Parascript’ s “Advanced Checks” software solution to accurately process format matching,
contexts and
specific formats, contexts and
specific to different countries. It will also allow you to locate and extract the right information from more complex documents such as invoices and receipts more efficiently.

“We look forward to working with a company of
worldwide reputation
as IMDS to provide the
best-in-class data extraction solutions to their
to their customers,” said Mark Gallagher, Vice President of Sales.Parascript technology offers unparalleled quality; data read rates and extraction relevance are the
best in the market
. “

Parascript offers a complete
complete line
of image processing and data extraction products that enable system integrators and software vendors to support the diverse needs of customers for all types of documents and data. Parascript software solutions are
easy to implement, can handle large volumes of processing and require little investment.

For example, the “advanced cheques” module that IMDS will include in its offering provides an integrated solution for the recognition of the document flow
proving the deposit
handwritten and typewritten checks. It validates the presence of information and allows for the precise detection of discrepancies between the amounts in figures and letters in order to signal potential errors and/or fraud.
potential errors and/or fraud

IMDS specializes in managing and optimizing a variety of documents from the simplest to the most complex, allowing clients to fully automate the processing of their documents for greater efficiency and lower cost.
The technological
between Parascript and IMDS was therefore a obviousness.

“Parascript’s software solutions will further improve our efficiency in key areas such as “accounts payable”We are pleased to announce that we have developed a new solution for our customers, with complementary applications of our capture technologies to provide our customers with the best services to manage high volume data extraction and classification, PAD and the new ADvanced DOCument concept,” said Frédéric Cornu, President of IMDS. “Together with a team of
of the most accurate machine learning experts
(experts, we plan to take document processing to the next level by
next level

About Parascript, LLC

Parascript is a leading developer of
leading developer
of recognition technology for all types of characters – cursive, handwritten and machine printed.
digital image analysis and advanced pattern recognition, its software enables the automation of processes such as forms processing, postal and financial automation and fraud prevention.

More than
100 billion
documents for the financial services, government, healthcare and life sciences industries are processed annually by Parascript software. Parascript offers its technology both as software products and as software services to its partners. Its partners (BPOs), service providers, OEMs and reseller partners operate, integrate and distribute Parascript software in the United States and
around the world.

Visit Parascript

About IMDS

Since 1995, IMDS has been a
key player in the
in the dematerialization and intelligent processing of document flows. IMDS offers innovative software and hardware solutions
to automate and
improve data entry and
and collection of data (invoices, checks, purchase orders, microfiche and forms) and
customer engagement
(letters, SMS and packages).

IMDS focuses on three distinct areas: distribution and integration innovative software solutions meticulously developed by our research and development team; consulting servicestraining to optimize data processing to maximize efficiency and quality; and outsourcing which allows our customers to outsource their document processing.

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